Monday 23 August 2010

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Awake: 6:21 Temp 61 sleep 6+21 overcast overnight @ Nicktown. "Happy Birthday" to Eriko in Queen Anne, Seattle, WA. DSC00030.JPG After our KK meeting, Kathy, Debra & I exercised for (1.3) hrs.

Bernie called on our landline; he told me the powers-to-be need one more permit satisfied; the fireplace. He gave us a phone # for J & O, Fireplace & the Beautiful Bath.

We left Nicktown around 1:30pm, motored to Duncansville & spent over (2.5) hrs with Joe, learning all the ins & outs of the modern fireplace of today. Joe has been in the fireplace business for (34) yrs & has (42) different fireplaces hooked up in his store. Here we have a very small sample. DSC00050.JPG This particular fireplace could possibly be the one for us. DSC00049.JPG We spent so much time @ Joe's that we ran out of time to visit the Beautiful Bath by Folcarelli in Altoona.

Dinner: chicken noodle soup with Nicktown made noodles, bread, cherries, cantaloupe, & peaches

Nick called us when walking home from work, with more discussion about buying a house & his future speaking engagements, next in San Francisco.

Lights out: 12:42am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 26, 2010 5:56 PM.

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