Saturday 26 June 2010

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Awake: 6:12am     Temp 61      sleep 6+08      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

After the KK meeting, I purused our field for blueberries & strawberries. Turns out, the wild strawberries are about finished for the season & the blueberries are not quite ready for picking. We do have a few strawberries frozen however. DSC09633.JPG Kathy did 2 laundry loads late morning/early afternoon. Then a phone call; it was our youngest daughter, Katrina; presently she is driving thru Pittsburgh, PA en route to the Foote Castle.

We didn't realize she would be arriving @ the Foote residence mid afternoon so we changed our plans for today: 1st a visit with 1st cousin Bernie in Kirschtown; he is doing ok & spends quite a bit of time outdoors when possible. DSC09634.JPG Next we motored to Indiana to attend the 4:00pm Mass @ Saint Thomas More University Church & then drove over to spend some time with the Foote family & Katrina. Our change of plans worked great & when we arrived @ the Foote Castle, the boys were lined up in the back yard for hair cutting by Melissa. 1 @ a time; even Kevin had his ears lowered a little. DSC09638.JPG The only complaint I heard was from Gregory; he fought having his blond hair trimmed. DSC09641.JPG Then Katrina entertained the boys on the 3rd floor for quite some time, joining them in their Lego building/Brio train track laying process. Later, after the boys were in bed, we adults had a good chat in the living room until around 9:40pm & then we headed back to Nicktown & watched 1/3 of the movie: "Life With Father."

Lights out: 12:13am.

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