Monday 28 June 2010

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Awake: 5:45am   Temp 69    sleep 5+38    morning rain    overnight @ Nicktown.

Al's youngest brother Leroy joined us @ the KK meeting this morning. He's currently living in Kansas & enjoys it.

Kathy, Debbie & I worked out in the community center for 1.3 hrs.

@ the motorhome, Chuck called & told me of woes about his Grizzly  600 Quad Runner. I let him know that I'd be available tomorrow to check it out.

Meanwhile, K & I motored to the Foote Castle, arriving @ 4:30 ....nobody home. A note on the door read: "gone to Giant Eagle." We walked toward the G E grocery store to meet & walk back with them. Melissa was pulling a wagon of groceries with Gregory in her sling, Nathan was walking, Andrew was riding his tricycle, & Matthew was riding his bike.

We spent some time with the boys in the back yard; here is Andrew practicing chin-ups while his trainer Katrina,  watches carefully.


Next,  tough guy Nathan convinces trainer Katrina...he can do better?


& then, (1) by (1), the boys began disappearing; shower time. Then snack time with book reading & (1) by (1), up to bed.

We had some talk time with Kevin & Katrina &, when they started getting ready to go on an exercise run with Kinley, we took that as our clue to leave. Just as we stepped out the door, heavy rain chased us to our Suzuki & our windshield wipers were on most of the way back to Nicktown.

We watched our recorded political programs..... & then,

lights out: 11:59pm.  




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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 3, 2010 12:37 PM.

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