Friday 9 July 2010

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Awake: 6:02am    Temp 71    sleep 5+59   partly cloudy, then rain    overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Kathy, Debbie & I worked out for (1.5) hrs, & after brunch, I picked some blueberries on our property.

Rain started around 3:35 pm & continued off & on for most of the evening. We could not record our political programs & Jeopardy due to the rain.

Kathy called her good friend Marge in Grand Junction who had tried 3 times, unsuccessfully, to reach Kathy to wish her a "Happy Birthday."  They enjoyed a long conversation of catching up on each other's lives.   

Dinner: Zucchini crab cakes with broccoli soup & leftover tuna casserole & a peach.

Katrina called mid evening while returning from her week at the Royal Family Kids Camp, where she had volunteered as part of the camp staff. This residential summer camp is for children who are overlooked & neglected within social services & in most cases, in foster care. She gave us a pretty thorough explanation of her activities & how much she enjoyed the kids & the staff.  

Evening recorded movie: "Paris Blues." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:48pm.     


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