Wednesday 9 June 2010

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Awake: 6:39am    Temp 51    sleep 6+24   rain off & on all day     Nicktown.


After our KK meeting, K & I exercised @ the community center for (1) hr. We stayed indoors for most of the day except for Kathy driving over to the church hall to help bag the dry noodles & attending 6:00pm Mass.

Mid afternoon, my 1st cousin visited for about an hr; we always have a lot to talk about.

I also spent a good hr trying to fix a toy Spider-Man quad-runner; made in China. One thin wire of two came loose so I spliced & soldered some phone wire in its place. The Chinese use such thin copper wire that it seems to either break easily or is not solidly soldered to begin with. Now the motor works fine but after the assembly, it doesn't work. I'll spend more time with this later.

Dinner: Chili with chips.

Then we watched our regular prerecorded political programs.

Lights out: 11:54pm.


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 13, 2010 7:48 AM.

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