Wednesday 2 June 2010

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Awake: 7:07am    temp 61    sleep 6+46    mostly sunny    overnight @ Nicktown.


I made a call to the social room in our community center around 8:40am & talked with Donna; "we won't be attending the KK meeting this morning," I told her. "We have obligations in Indiana & then some work @ home."  She understood.

After breakfast, I temporarily unloaded the books in our car & replaced them with our Snapper lawnmower, gasoline can, & oil. Then we motored to the Foote Castle.

Kathy is doing some more cleaning & organizing @ the Foote Castle while I mow the front, side, & back yards with the Snapper. I was finished about (30) min before she was.

Next we do a little grocery shopping....but 1st,  the Wine & Spirits Store & then Wal-Mart.

Back on our property, we removed the Snapper mower & returned the books to our Suzuki. Then I started mowing our own grass with Kathy watching for the wheelbarrow to be full, & then she wheeled it into the woods & dumped it for mulch for future purposes. We were hoping that our neighbor Chuck would mow the alley way with his riding mower &, by golly, shortly after I started doing the inside of our circular driveway, Chuck appeared with his riding mower & was finished mowing within the hr whereas it took me another (2.5 hrs) to finish up.


Dinner: Leftover fish from last night's meal @ Breezewood, PA.


After watching our recorded political programs, we started watching: "The White Cliffs of Dover" for (7) min.


Lights out: 11:55pm.



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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 6, 2010 7:52 AM.

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