Sunday 13 June 2010

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Awake: 6:40am      Temp 70     sleep 6+14     fog, then mostly cloudy    Nicktown.

This afternoon, the Holy Name Society sponsored a "free luncheon" picnic to welcome (8) new members & to thank Father John Paul for his work in the parish as well as to bid him a fond farewell. He will be leaving in a few days to visit his family in Nigeria for a month before engaging in doctoral studies in San Francisco. The Holy Name members & others also had a pretty exciting softball game. DSC09542.JPG When the Foote family heard about this celebration in Nicktown, they decided to do the right thing & meet Father John Paul DSC09536.JPG + spend some time with some of our 1st cousins & other people of Nicktown. DSC09537.JPG Of course, the boys were busy from the get-go with the mini merry-go-round, DSC09533.JPG the sliding boards, the overhead rail ride, & swings. Matthew on overhead rail ride. DSC09539.JPG Andrew riding the overhead rail DSC09540.JPG And Nathan riding the overhead rail DSC09538.JPG The Holy Name supplied hamburgers & hot dogs; the parishioners added yummy side dishes. K & I got to play with our grandsons on the playground.

The weather cooperated, the food was good, people were friendly & most importantly, we had fun.

After the Footes left Nicktown around 3:00pm, I took the Spiderman quad-runner apart to analyze the problem again; this time, I re-assembled the quad-runner with the motor running, the gears connected & the wheels turning, being careful not to screw the parts too tight. Bingo, it worked fine. DSC09544.JPG Being in a fix-it mood, I got Kathy's hair dryer & replaced a section of the cord close to the plug that had one wire that was obviously kaput.

With popcorn & a few almonds, we watched the movie: "The Girl from Mexico" with Lupe Velez, Donald Woods, Leon Errol, Linda Hayes, etc. Advertizing man Woods goes to Mexico to find a star for his radio show and bumps (literally!) into Velez. Lupe's sex appeal is unleashed in this hectic comedy which led to the Mexican Spitfire series. Errol is very funny as her comic cohort. 1939. Not too bad for (2 & ½) stars. So far, we have rarely watched under (3) star movies.

Lights out: 11:23pm.

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