Monday 31 May 2010

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Awake: 5:25am     Temp 61     sleep 5+14      sunny      late evening rain      Nicktown.

K & I attended 8:00 am Mass along with many other locals, out of town people & veterans.

After Mass, hundreds of people were already lined up on both sides of the street to view the Nicktown Memorial parade. For a town this size, (approx 220 inside the village), Nicktown draws a steady & meaningful group of people. Here come the Veterans! DSC09448.JPG Recognize these (3) vets? DSC09449.JPG

After the Vets, we have high school marching band, fire trucks, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, tractors, ole cars, etc. 
The parade lineup seemed shorter this year than last, but on the other hand, more folks were lined up on both sides of the street & in the Cemetery for the Memorial Presentation. DSC09453.JPG After the Memorial ceremony was over, K & I meandered down the street to the Nicktown Hotel. And who do we find telling war stories & exacerbated lies, those Vets of yesteryear. DSC09455.JPG After a little grub with the guys & Andrea, K & I found our way to our coach where we got serious with the maps to meet up with the biking Footes on Wednesday.

Dinner: Tuna casserole, leftover chicken noodle soup, leftover broccoli & a cutie orange.

After we were somewhat comfortable with our driving plans for Wednesday, Melissa called with a change of destination. They are presently @ Indian Flats.

Late evening, Zack Skyped us & we chatted about anything & everything for (1) hr & (4) min. Such topics as: wedding plans & costs; Isilon work & stock; Katie's veterinarian work, etc. It was a good call.

Lights out: 11:57pm. 

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 3, 2010 7:52 PM.

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