Friday 18 June 2010

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Awake: 6:00am     Temp 54      sleep 5+56     sunny     overnight @ Nicktown. 

After the KK meeting, K & I worked out for (1.2) hrs. And after brunch, I got Dick's weed whacker to idle at low rps, then I got in touch with Dick & gave him a demonstration before returning it to him. He was well pleased.

Next, using my new security tools, I took the outside cover off of the microwave & found out why the oven door wouldn't open when pushing the open button. A plastic arm attached to the door opening device was cracked, not having the strength to do its mission. I'm not sure if I can make the repair, but I'll think about it.

Meanwhile, the (2) diodes, each in parallel with a varistor, came in the mail this morning, so now I'll have another chance to get the electrical system working on Gary's Coleman Powermate. Here is one side of the generator panel. DSC09566.JPG                            The cover has the remainder of the electrical works.

Here is a photo of the old diodes; I clipped one side of each diode off to get a good continuity reading with my fluke meter.The left diode was very weak, the right was kaput.   

and now after soldering the new diodes in place. I won't start the Powermate up until tomorrow since I used some epoxy to firmly hold the diodes in place. I sure hope this repair will work.

DSC09570.JPGAfter seeing the diodes in place, Kathy asked if I would fix the microwave oven which I responded: "If the Powermate works well, I'll probably try & get the microwave working also."

Dinner: Tilapia fish tacos & sweet cherries.

Evening movie:"Serpico" with Al Pacino, John Randolph, Jack Kehoe, Biff McGuire, Barbara Eda-Young, Cornelia Sharpe, etc. Tough, exciting filmization of Peter Maas book based on true-life accounts of N.Y.C. undercover cop whose nonconformism...and exposure of department corruption...isolate him from the force. 1973. Wow! Kathy hardly blinked an eye during this show. You gotta see it!

Lights out: 12:40am.

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