Tuesday 4 May 2010

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Awake: 6:50am     Temp 51     sleep 6+47     partly cloudy & windy   overnight @ Nicktown.


Kathy left the KK (koffee klub) early to help make noodles @ the church hall. After our koffee klub meeting adjourned, I picked up our forwarded mail from Alaska; then made a call to the Spangler Senior Center & reserved seats for (4) people for lunch tomorrow.


Next, I took apart one of our land-line phones, the one we call: "the Brick," a 1980 AT&T unit that was given to me (2) yrs ago. It worked well until I plugged it in just recently.

When I took "the Brick" apart, I was amazed to see so much electronics in both the cradle & the headset; & that was (30) yrs ago. As you know, today the cell phones are no bigger than your hand with bundles of different uses: i.e. camera, GPS, full keyboard for texting, (3) way calling, voice mail, speaker phone, different ring tones, vibrating mode, check your minutes used, etc.

Trouble shooting "the Brick" was not an option; I didn't care to spend the time or get that involved with a (30) yr old phone. I could only try & charge the battery in the hand-set...so for the remainder of the day, the battery was getting charged.


Kathy returned from her noodle making around 1:05pm. She perused thru some of her mail & then started washing (3) loads of laundry.


Meanwhile, I cleaned the co-pilot's mirror on the coach & then hung the Humming bird feeder from the European mirror. Earlier today I saw (1) humming bird & that triggered the feeder hanging.  


Dinner: leftover stuffed peppers, Waldorf salad on romaine lettuce & a cutie.


We watched 1/4th of the movie: "Kitty."


Lights out: 11:26pm.


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 11, 2010 6:57 PM.

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