Thursday 6 May 2010

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Awake: 7:00am     Temp 50     sleep 7+45     sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.


When Florentz visited on Monday, I asked if he would let us borrow the Kirsch Family Photo book. This morning he delivered it, 1st class.


About 11:20 am, neighbors, Barry & Bonnie + Donna picked us up & we rode with them to the Senior Center in Spangler for lunch followed by entertainment. There were a lot of Nicktowners present & about (90+) people altogether.


Lunch was good but the entertainer from Ireland (Cahal Dunne, now living in PA) was absolutely fantastic. He played his piano (which was a shell of a full sized piano, with a full sized keyboard) but inside the shell were digital electronics. If you didn't see this up close, you wouldn't know the difference from a regular piano sound. The electronics brought in other instruments, & other harmonizing or background voices.


He sang & played a little bit of Irish, songs of inspiration, some country, Christmas songs, Broadway, classical, comedy, songs of America, etc. Every time he sang & played a different genre he would change his jacket to match: i.e. red, white & blue for patriotic songs; green for Irish; a tux for classical, etc.

His jokes were well delivered & very funny. We loved this guy & hope he'll visit Spangler again. Just think: all of this fun, entertainment, & food for under $5.00/person. I should have brought my camera.


Back in Nicktown, I spotted a near neighbor, Mac, having trouble with his riding mower again. Basically, it was the same problem he was having last yr, only today the temp was rather cool, whereas last yr, the trouble was evident mostly on the hot days. Over heating, using old gas or maybe just not operating the choke properly, we all suspected. So, John & I did a few things to correct those flaws...or so we thought! After that, K & I left town & traveled west.


I walked over & talked to Mac & asked him if maybe I could take a good look @ his mower tomorrow & try & get that problem fixed right; he agreed to that idea.


Dinner: a salad, cantaloupe & a few Triscuits + crackers.


Late evening: we called & wished Melissa & Kevin a "Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary."  That was recorded as they didn't answer the phone.


Katrina called from her condo & told us about her hot water tank having a gas leak & a water leak. She also wanted our opinion on what brand of water heater to buy & where to buy it: Lowe's, Home Depot or Sears? She will keep us informed on this subject.


We watched our regular recorded political programs late evening.


Lights out: 12:29am.   

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