Thursday 29 April 2010

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Awake: 6:24      Temp 32      sleep 6+03       sunny parked    overnight on M & J's driveway.

While Mark & Joan were busy taking off many covers from their outdoor plants, fruit trees, flowers, etc & hoping the frost season was over, K & I began organizing our bus for more travel.

 Early afternoon, we rode with Joan & Mark for about an hr & toured the P.Graham Dunn factory in Dalton, OH. How to describe this huge plant & what they do & sell? DSC09309.JPG Nearly everything they manufacture is made of wood, all kinds of wood. DSC09290.JPG Tours were offered so we found a fellow who agreed to give us a thorough tour. He started by taking us to the laser cutting machines. These laser cutters were busy cutting small plaques with a religious message on them; many different messages. They even program the laser to burn the wood slightly to make it more attractive. DSC09292.JPG Yes, the plaques get bigger & are painted; here are a few paint booths. DSC09295.JPG Here is a recent load of lumber stacked almost to the ceiling. DSC09300.JPG Machines do most of the work with very little dust in the factory. DSC09304.JPG Just about anything can be scribed & colored. They create many unbelievably, beautiful pictures with some very memorable messages, many from scripture.

Our young tour guide, who gave us a detailed tour; worked his way up the ranks, learning each & every phase of the production process. He was thus quite knowledgeable & gave a very good tour.

After the tour, we spent some time looking through their gift shop.

Next, we visited with Paul & Diane who live fairly close to the P. Graham Dunn factory. Paul & Diane were with us not only for the K of C breakfast but also our muffin & coffee breakfast @ Anderson's Coffee Shop. I was interested in Paul's airplane from the beginning & by gosh, Mark squeezed the time in & made this visit happen.

We couldn't spend as much time with them as we would have liked, but I did get to see his homebuilt aircraft & Kathy got to tour their home. Yes, it was a kit but he did it all by himself. His runway is nearby & he keeps it mowed. DSC09313.JPG We said our goodbyes to Paul & Diane & hope to see them again soon. Next,

Mark drove us through the hills & dales of the Amish country; we were fascinated by the beautiful countryside with its rolling hills & the manicured farms.

We can't do justice for all that Joan & Mark did for us on this visit....but we wanted to show our gratitude for their hospitality by treating them to a dinner @ Der Dutchman...and did we ever have a fun time & some good Amish cooking. DSC09318.JPG What a great day it was; we were all pretty tired but had to get in a little relaxation, more conversation, & a little libation before hitting the sack. Our Chief Chef great provider & a real sweetheart. DSC09320.JPG Our limousine skillful human GPS man without a GPS DSC09319.JPG Thanks guys; we really enjoyed our time with you.

Lights out: 11:44pm.

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