Monday 24 May 2010

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Awake: 6:01am     Temp 61     sleep 5+52     partly cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting & breakfast, we loaded up our Suzuki with the Snapper lawnmower, gasoline & motored to Indiana, PA. The Foote's back & front yard both needed mowing & the Snapper got the job done well. DSC09431.JPG Kathy's job was to clean up a few things & re-organize so that when the Footes return, they won't find a thing in place.

Back @ our coach, I climbed our telescoping ladder & using Silicon II, patched the (2) eye-brow windows in the Ford van; hopefully it will stop leaking water into the van.

Dinner: Turkey Tetrazzini, fruit salad & bread.

Mid evening: Melissa & Kevin called us from Frostburg, Maryland. So far, so good & from here it's all downhill they tell us. Even Kinley is doing much better. They bought some booties for dogs in Frostburg & put only (1) bootie on @ a time on Kinley, otherwise she tries to take them off.

Also in Frostburg, they will pick up the other half of their food supply from the post office general delivery. They also said the boys are doing fine...a few times, they did a little complaining. After all, they just sit around all day except for those (1) hr break time's.

Total mileage from McKeesport: 116 mi. Mileage yet to go: around 200 mi.

Late evening; we watch 1/5 of: "The Guns of Navarone."

Lights out: 11:48pm.

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