Sunday 18 April 2010

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Awake: 8:33am     Temp 58     sleep 7+19     overcast     overnight @ the Newell campground.


Mid morning, we had a Skype call from Mary Ann & Bob in Memphis; they gave us a "Happy Anniversary" wish & then we proceeded to update each other for the next (45-50) min on our Apple Computer. Bob is considering retirement within the yr, but is still undecided, and Mary Ann discussed the pharmacy situation for the near future which is not looking too bright for her as Walgreen's has purchased the stores for which she has worked for the last many years. Their granddaughter, Emily (Tommy's daughter), was visiting so we got to meet her; a cute, but busy little girl.


Later, my brother called from PA & we gabbed for (38) min. We covered their upcoming road trips beginning next week & continuing into the summer & our next destinations after our Newell visit. We also brought up the subject of loose choppers that our 1st cousin Richard is still using.


Mid afternoon, I climbed the telescoping ladder & cleaned the pollen & dust off our slide tops.


Dinner: blue cheese bacon burgers, asparagus, mixed salad & cutie oranges.


During the afternoon & evening, (6 or 7) motor coaches arrived for Newell service starting tomorrow.


We finished watching: "The Goodbye Girl" with Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason, Quinn Cummings, Paul Benedict, & Barbara Rhoades. Neil Simon's warmest comedy to date puts young actor Dreyfuss and dumped-on divorcee Mason together as unwilling tenants of the same N.Y.C. apartment, explores their growing relationship. Dreyfuss won the Oscar for "best actor". 1977. Good movie; we both enjoyed it.


Lights out: 12:02am.

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