Thursday 25 February 2010

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Awake: 7:04am     Temp 57     sleep 6+55     cloudy -partly sunny    San Diego


After breakfast, Sallie called Kathy. Since she is babysitting her grandson, Ross, & cannot leave she invited Kathy to drive up the hill to further discuss the ongoing needlepoint project.


Perfect, now I can spend some time working on our tax organizer without distraction. Kathy left @ 1:42pm & returned around 4:30pm. She also did some light grocery shopping before her return.


Dinner: Tuna steak with garlic cream sauce, brown rice pilaf, & a spinach salad.


Nick called on our cell phone & we chatted for (38) min. Lots of Momoko talk & how she is sleeping peacefully during the day, with lots of awake times at night. When she's hungry, or needs a diaper change, she can make a loud noise; lungs are strong.

Eriko's father arrived from Japan today; he will spend a week with them & then her mother will replace the father. Due to Momoko's night time wakefulness, Nick, Jerry, & Eriko's dad will sleep in the "boys" bedroom & Eriko & Momoko will sleep in the living room. Nick sounded a little tired.


Evening movie: "Damsel in Distress." We watched (23) min.


Lights out: 12:16am.


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 1, 2010 12:16 PM.

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