Monday 1 March 2010

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Awake: 6:45am      Temp 50       sleep 5+29       sunny      overnight @ San Diego, CA.

About 10:10am, Katrina called & talked with Kathy; it was Kathy's turn. Katrina was on her way back from the mountain. No school today because they had parent/teacher conferences last week & stayed until 7 pm (2) days.

After Katrina's phone call, Kathy casually continued searching for a suitable campground in Las Vegas; our plans have changed since signing up for (3) more weeks here @ Mission Bay. We're going to stay another week & she's been going thru the campground books, exploring the computer, & making some phone calls. Finally she found a decent RV park that we think will meet our needs for about a week.

Mid afternoon, we walked the campground & outside the campground for a good hr. I forgot to strap on my pedometer, otherwise I would know the mileage. We did stop & talk with (2) different couples who reside in Alaska, but annually go south for the winter. Both of the guys have serious back problems & are being seen by a physician during their stay here @ Mission Bay Park. One of the guys from Alaska, Richard, reminded us that he has never seen the tide as low as it was now. I just happened to have my camera so the next lap around, a mud shot in lieu of a mug shot. DSC08800.JPG Shortly after 6:00pm, Melissa called from PA; we each talked for (15) min...& for Kathy, those minutes went too fast!

In my spare time, I started slowly deleting some computer files & other stuff I don't care to keep. Plus I've done the disc cleanup & the disc defragmenter. My Dell is doing a little better now but I'm not quite finished.

Dinner: leftover chop suey, (from the meal with Linda & Tim last evening) sugar snap peas & cutie oranges.

Evening movie: "Out of the Past" with Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fleming, Richard Webb, etc. Mitchum finds he can't escape former life when one-time employer (gangster Douglas) & lover (Greer) entangle him in web of murder and double-dealings. 1947. Relatively good suspense story; if you like suspense, you'll like this one.

Lights out: 11:54pm.

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