Friday 26 March 2010

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Awake: 7:57am     Temp 34     sleep 6+18     partly sunny     overnight @ Denver Co.

Katrina called while driving to the airport; we didn't talk long but we did wish her Bon Voyage & a safe & fun trip.

Early afternoon, K & I went house hunting; our architect in PA, sent us the addresses of (18) homes that he designed when living in Denver, CO. We found (17) out of (18); beautiful & stately homes, all of them. DSC09097.JPG Here are a few samples of homes that Scott designed during his years in Denver, CO. DSC09094.JPG That last photo & this one are most likely to be the only ones out of 18 that don't have "the box look". DSC09088.JPG As we were admiring one of the boxes, Laurie, the owner, arrived home and after answering a few of our questions, invited us in. She gave us a complete tour, with her (3) young daughters & (1) young son following close behind. We were most grateful. DSC09082.JPG One thing was obvious: all of the homes, save for the few, were square boxes. Our home will be a hex design with wings;thanks to Gary & Grace of  PA. 

We didn't find the (18th) home. Friday rush-hour was upon us & we opted to forgo that number for another time.

Back @ our home-on-wheels, rain with snow began @ 5:10pm. It didn't last, however, & we didn't complain.

Dinner: Kathy's crab cakes with homemade tartar sauce, rice with golden raisins & a Caesar salad.
No movie tonight; just political stuff.

Lights out: 12:41am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 29, 2010 5:00 PM.

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