Friday 12 March 2010

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Awake: 6:55am       Temp 53      sleep 6+52       sunny       overnight @ San Diego, CA.

We've been curious about what part of San Diego our nephew, Brian, lives in, so early afternoon we motored to his address, parked near his apartment & called his cell phone #. I listened to the recorded message & left him a message. Brian does hang out in a nice, clean neighborhood. DSC08848.JPG From here, we drove a few miles & checked out a different "Henry's Farmers Market" that is bigger than the usual "Henry's" we shop at. It was a good stop; Kathy found some good deals on veggies.

Next we visited the Needlecraft Cottage in Pacific Beach; while Kathy was buying a book & a few more colors of thread, I walked across the street & bought (2) small cartons of yogurt.

Then a few blocks east, we visited the Cerebral Palsy Thrift Store where Kathy found a new bag in which to carry her needlepoint & also a new looking Dockers belt just my size.

Back @ our campsite, we visited our next door Alaskan neighbors & had a delightful chat. Unfortunately just as we are beginning to get to know them, we are moving on; but we did exchange e-mails.

Dinner: Kathy's version of cream of vegetable soup & a cutie orange.

Evening movie: "Reds." We watched (34) min.

Lights out: 12:01am. 

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 15, 2010 4:08 PM.

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