Tuesday 23 February 2010

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Awake: 6:54am     Temp 43     sleep 6+22     sunny     overnight @ San Diego, CA.


Driving the Suzuki, Kathy left @ 11:50am; she is meeting Sallie @ the Needle Craft Cottage in Pacific Beach to continue on this new hobby of hers.


Meanwhile, I got to be a free man for a few hrs. After breakfast dishes were cleaned up, I spent some time with a X-word puzzle & some catching up on my RV Magazines: Highways & Family Motor Coaching. This was the 1st time in many months that I took the time & laid on our couch reading magazines; nice.


Kathy returned around 4:00 pm with a big smile. Besides going to the Needle Craft Cottage, she & Sallie went to La Jolla & spent some good time with the ladies @ the Needle Nook of La Jolla furthering Kathy's knowledge of this hobby.


After that, Sallie ran some errands before returning to their motorhome, & Kathy did some needed grocery shopping & also perused the Cerebral Palsy sponsored thrift store on Garnet.  


Dinner: Fish Tacos, asparagus & Cutie oranges.


Evening movie: "The Third Man" with Orson Welles, Joseph Cotton, (Alida) Valli, Trevor Howard, Bernard Lee, etc. Graham Greene's account of mysterious Harry Lime (Welles) in post-WW2 Vienna is a bona fide classic with pulp-writer Cotton on a manhunt for Harry. 1949. A good mystery story kept Kathy's attention throughout the whole movie.


Lights out: 11:54pm.

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