Tuesday 16 February 2010

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Awake: 6:40am       Temp 51       sleep 6+42      sunny overnight @ San Diego, CA.
I finished eating breakfast @ 1:05pm; my morning was taken up with the property drawings & plans. I had to get serious & get this paperwork sent out so I can be more like Kathy: do more touring & goofing off in my retirement. DSC08680.JPG Next we visited the campground office & had duplicates made of my drawings & documents. With rush hour now in progress, we decided to mail our stuff tomorrow.

Then, I got into our file cabinet, brushed the dust off the papers & started organizing the tax organizer.

Dinner: leftover lamb chops, couscous with golden raisins & pecans, sautéed asparagus, egg plant & tomatoes & a mixed salad.

We watched our regular recorded programs for the evening.

Lights out: 11:10pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 19, 2010 2:35 PM.

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