Friday 5 February 2010

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Awake: 7:30am     Temp 55     sleep 6+07     rain forecast     overnight @ San Diego, CA.


Early afternoon, K & I checked out another grocery store not far from our campground; after a thorough investigation, she gave me (2) thumbs down & I approved of her message. Smart & Final was not what we are interested in.

Next, Kathy wished to peruse the Michael's store along the way; she's getting ideas for making needlepoint Christmas stockings for our grandsons. Our visit was short as she was simply looking things over & wasn't very favorably impressed.


Then we took a shortcut to Costco, which was extremely busy. Waiting in line for fuel for the Suzuki was not so bad but finding a parking spot anywhere was a challenge. On one occasion, we were creeping along looking ahead for a sign of someone pushing their cart back to their car....suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a half-full cart speeding down the slope heading right for our driver's door. Yikes! Full speed ahead & then full braking; glancing back, I saw the young lady running after her speeding cart....& she did catch it before it rolled over or hit the fence. Yes, Friday is not a day to shop @ Costco.


Around 6:30pm, a medium sized rainfall moved through the area, & later, a gentle rain.


Dinner: homemade crab cakes, with asparagus & rice.


Evening movie: "Five Easy Pieces" with Jack Nicholson, Karen Black, Billy Green Bush, Fannie Flagg, Susan Anspach, Sally Struthers, etc. Brilliant character study of musician with great promise who gave up a career to work on an oil rig. 1970. Beware; definitely not a family movie.


Lights out: 12:31am.  




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