Wednesday 6 January 2010

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Awake: 7:09am Temp 46 sleep 6+55 sunny overnight @ San Diego, CA.

Sometime after 8:00 am, Larry called & invited us to lunch with them @ Seaside, downtown San Diego. We let him know that we would be busy until about 1:30. then we could get together with you & Sallie. "Hey, that'll be great" he says. "Just drive over & we'll take our car."

This noon time, Kathy & I joined a group of seniors called: "The Hill Toppers." I believe they took that name because they are in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, which is about (2) miles from our campground & is high on the hill with a beautiful view.

We were interested in listening to their guest speaker today on the subject of: "living a brain healthy lifestyle." We arrived @ the parish hall a little early, had some coffee & took a back seat. At that time, there were about (40) people @ the meeting with a few more arriving later. DSC08370.JPG

The guest speaker was great; probably in her 40's, she had a comfortable sense of humor with older folks & spoke very clearly. She talked for an hr on subjects like: the brain; dementia & its many facets & causes; & the ten warning signs of dementia.

Some things to consider that might help prevent or slow Alzheimer's are: physical exercise, mental exercise, eating healthy food, & having social connections. This was all very interesting & taught us to be doing a little more toward possible prevention of this form of dementia than we have been doing. We thanked the speaker & a few other seniors that we talked with during the meeting & then drove over to Larry & Sallie's hangout.

From here, we hopped in their car & rode to downtown San Diego with them, parked the car & strolled along the boardwalk of the Pacific Ocean. We could easily see the WWII Aircraft Carrier "Midway," & several huge Ocean Liners as we leisurely walked along.

The plan was to have lunch @ Anthony's on Harbor Drive, so we followed L & S's lead in ordering: fresh Alaska cod, & a tuna salad. K & I each had our own meal (no sharing) so this will probably suffice as our dinner meal for tonight.

Then we resumed walking along the boardwalk until we came to the Seaport Village, where some (75) small shops are waiting for the tourists to discover their wares. The girls cased about 5-6 stores with only Larry making a purchase of dark chocolate.

After the Village, we walked back to the car & started toward L & S's campground. En route, Larry decided to visit their daughter, Carrie, where he had some packages to pick up & to see the newly laid bathroom tile; looked good to us. The sun was setting so we climbed the stairs & admired another beautiful view of Mission Bay, Pacific Ocean & thousands of lights from all those buildings & homes.

It was nice being with Sallie & Larry while visiting some of the downtown area this afternoon & walking around so casually, seeing the sights & watching people watching us, etc.

We'll have to do a little more of this exploring during our time here DSC08378.JPG
Take a good look at this face....the eyes have it!

Oh, but we're not finished yet; we are out of blue berries, high fiber cereal, tuna fillets, homestyle peanuts, English Stilton with cranberries, English white stilton, bananas, organic milk, yogurt, etc. After shopping @ Trader Joe's & Henry's, we return to our motorhome & watch our recorded political programs & world news.

Lights out: 12:14am..

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Congratulations on your 2000th blog entry! What a milestone!


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 8, 2010 10:04 PM.

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