Sunday 3 January 2010

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Awake: 7:50am     Temp 49    sleep 6+33    sunny    overnight @ San Diego, CA.

I've been casually keeping track of the weather back in Nicktown, PA but find it a little surreal. One way to get the real scoop is to call my buddy John who lives there. Sure enough, John reported: 13 degrees with blowing snow, & the rest of the week is forecast to be about the same. We discussed other topics but that weather report was something else.

I called my motorhome pal, Dick, in Arizona; he & his wife, Christine, have been under the weather but slowly recovering. Dick told me they were down in Yuma recently & that's where they caught a bug. We talked about a rendezvous after they are well & can travel again...either in San Diego, Las Vegas or their home in Arizona.

'Twas another afternoon that K & I both ended up on our computers & when not doing that, we were reading.

Dinner: Alaska salmon, brown rice pilaf, broccoli & whole wheat bread.

Evening movie: "The Way We Were" with Barbara Streisand, Robert Redford, Bradford Dillman, Murray Hamilton, Patrick O'Neal, etc. First-class love story about political activist Streisand & her opposite, Waspish Joe College-type Redford, from late '30s to early '50s. 1973. Super good love story; if you haven't seen it, add it to your list. Note: Kathy didn't even think about falling asleep!

Lights out: 12:33am.


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