Saturday 23 January 2010

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 Awake: 6:46am     Temp 47     sleep 6+32      early rain, then sun    overnight @ S. Diego.

Kathy called Donna in Nicktown & they updated each other on nearly everything possible.

Later I talked with John in Nicktown & we also shared a little informing. Kathy has wanted to check out a Thrift Store not too far from our campground, which we pass so many times but don't stop. Two of our bowls have cracked & gone by the wayside so she is casually looking for replacements. DSC08506.JPG
The place was cleaner then most thrift stores & quite organized but, no bowls of interest.

Next, we drove south for about (2) miles & discovered a very busy, small, neighborhood, store. We were both impressed with what they carried; i.e. good looking variety of fresh fish & meat, as well frozen duck, wild venison & elk meat, & other frozen delicacies. Next to this store was a fish market & restaurant with a variety of fresh fish.

The only downside to this find; their prices were far above the stores we usually shop @.

Mid afternoon, the sky was clearing up nicely, so we decided to put some more miles on our walking shoes; 5.5 miles to be exact. We think we walked to the end of the trail & back. DSC08499.JPG After a quick change of clothes, we attended the 5:30 pm vigil Mass @ the Church of St. Mary Magdalene.

Dinner: leftover minestrone with whole grain bread.

Evening movie: "Man Hunt" with Walter Pidgeon, Joan Bennett, George Sanders, John Carradine, etc. Farfetched yet absorbing drama of man attempting to kill Hitler getting into more trouble than he bargained for. 1941. Farfetched but could have easily been a true story during the 1940s.

Lights out: 11:48pm.

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