Tuesday 15 December 2009

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Awake: 7:14am   Temp 47   sleep 7+08    partly cloudy   overnight @ San Diego, CA.

Ever since we arrived in our campsite, we've kept our #4 slide retracted due to a tree & its branches that would be too close to our slide when extended. Plus there is a bird that has been hanging out in that tree that litters the asphalt daily; and that litter is like a white paint that the locals say will soon burn a hole in the steel and demolish a full sized motorhome if left unattended.

We notified the office about this dangerous condition & they agreed to remedy the situation today. Sure enough, (2) healthy guys with tree/limb cutting equipment, made fast work of a few good size limbs to our satisfaction. We thanked them & let them know that we like this campground a lot. I was able to photograph the culprit bird that obviously has the (power keg) to ruin motorhomes. It could be a California Gull; I'm still checking. DSC08157.JPG
Around 2:30pm, we motored over to Sallie & Larry's motorhome & assisted them in loading their suitcases into their car; then rode with them to the airport. They are attending a wedding in Chicago on Thursday & will return on Friday. We volunteered for this assignment when they 1st mentioned the plan.

Dinner: Italian sausage with peppers & onions in marinara sauce + leftover salad from the restaurant last night.

We finished watching: "The End of an Affair" with Deborah Kerr, Van Johnson, John Mills, Peter Cushing, & Michael Goodfliffe. Graham Green's mystic-religious novel about a wartime love affair in London loses much in screen version, especially from mismatched stars. 1955. Slow but interesting love affair with a religious conclusion.

Lights out: 12:46am.

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