Saturday 5 December 2009

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Awake: 6:54am     Temp 42    sleep 6+09    partly cloudy     overnight @ Santa Nella, CA.

After breakfast, I did some more basement storage organizing & getting rid of unnecessary stuff. About an hr later, cool air moved in & the sun was blocked by clouds, so I quit & will wait for better conditions. DSC07995.JPG Mid afternoon, K & I again motored to Los Banos & thoroughly checked out the Dickens Christmas craft fair. A lot of display items (homemade) were exhibited, especially representing Christmas, but nothing we couldn't do without.

We left the craft fair & attended the 5:30 vigil Mass @ St. Joseph Catholic Church; a very modern structure. Inside was one of the more logical floor plans I've witnessed in a long time.

The pews were set up as a half wagon wheel so each row led toward the front & focused on the altar. The Baptismal font in the rear between the nave & pews was an elaborate (3) tier fountain with cascading water into the main bottom basin. And the acoustics were great.

Dinner: turkey rice veggie soup

Evening movie: "Of Mice & Men" with Lon Chaney, Jr., Burgess Meredith, Betty Field, Charles Bickford, Bob Steele, Noah Beery, Jr. Chaney gives best performance of his career as feeble-brained Lennie who, with migrant-worker Meredith, tries to live peacefully on ranch. John Steinbeck's morality tale remains intact in sensitive screen version. 1939. Very intense; not for children.

Lights out: 11:42pm.

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