Awake: 6:57am sleep 6+21 frost, then sunny overnight @ Seattle, WA.
Katrina got up @ 8:45am & took Coco with her for a (30+) min run. Coco always looks happier after returning from a good run with Katrina.
Meanwhile, I walked about (4) blocks one way to the nearest hardware store: "Five Corner's Hardware Co" & purchased a Ball Tank Kohler for the running toilet upstairs. Hmm, wrong type. My 2nd round-trip walk was successful; I had to do a little adjusting & trimming on the Korky Red Flapper but the fix should last a long time. However, my guarantee is only good until we leave town.
Then Zack drove us to the Nick condo where we changed to Nick's mini-van & motored to the Washington Park Arboretum, which, in 2009, has been celebrating their (75th) year anniversary. The day was cool with a slight breeze but we were dressed for the occasion, plus the sun peeking thru the trees & bushes helped a little. We followed Jerry's leadership on many of the paths. Our walk lasted @ least (1.5+) hrs.
Back @ Nick's condo, we gabbed a short while & then K & I walked to St. Anne's Catholic Church for 5:00pm vigil Mass. One extreme to another; tonight the big church had less than (100) attendees present vs. the overflow crowd on Christmas Eve. Maybe some church goers got tipped off & we didn't; the church's boiler failed & there was no heat to be had. That was the coolest Mass we've ever attended!
Next, using both autos, we returned to Zack's place for a dinner of: fresh tuna steaks, fruit salad & a mixed salad, & brown rice. Tonight's entertainment, a movie called: "UP." An animated film that was a little sad to begin with, but as time went on, the sadness decreased & the adventures increased until it had a very happy ending. Jerry was delighted.
Lights out: 11:19pm.
Katrina got up @ 8:45am & took Coco with her for a (30+) min run. Coco always looks happier after returning from a good run with Katrina.
Meanwhile, I walked about (4) blocks one way to the nearest hardware store: "Five Corner's Hardware Co" & purchased a Ball Tank Kohler for the running toilet upstairs. Hmm, wrong type. My 2nd round-trip walk was successful; I had to do a little adjusting & trimming on the Korky Red Flapper but the fix should last a long time. However, my guarantee is only good until we leave town.
Then Zack drove us to the Nick condo where we changed to Nick's mini-van & motored to the Washington Park Arboretum, which, in 2009, has been celebrating their (75th) year anniversary. The day was cool with a slight breeze but we were dressed for the occasion, plus the sun peeking thru the trees & bushes helped a little. We followed Jerry's leadership on many of the paths. Our walk lasted @ least (1.5+) hrs.

Next, using both autos, we returned to Zack's place for a dinner of: fresh tuna steaks, fruit salad & a mixed salad, & brown rice. Tonight's entertainment, a movie called: "UP." An animated film that was a little sad to begin with, but as time went on, the sadness decreased & the adventures increased until it had a very happy ending. Jerry was delighted.

Mr. Kirsch,
It appears as if the second photograph that you have posted in this entry is not from the same day as the first.
What say ye?