Awake: 6:09am Temp 49 sleep 6+32 sunny overnight @ San Diego, CA.
Mail call this morning from the campground office; our forwarded mail has arrived from Alaska. That consumed most of our morning.
Larry called from Watertown, WI. He updated their arrival information to San Diego; 1:40pm today.
@ 12:30pm, K & I motored our Suzuki to where Larry & Sallie have their motorhome parked; then we used Larry's Honda & headed for the San Diego Airport cell phone parking lot & waited for his call. We didn't have to wait very long; their flight was right on time. They were delighted to be back to this warm, comfortable climate.
The wedding celebration went very well & they enjoyed the rendezvous with many of their friends & relatives. Before we left, Sallie invited us for dinner @ 5:00pm in their motorhome; the beginning of their Sabbath (Shabat).
Back @ our campground, I visited with Ken, a near neighbor whom we spoke with when we 1st arrived. Turns out, he's an airplane nut himself & I ended up looking @ some of his airplane pictures on his computer.
Dinner with Sallie & Larry: blessings & prayers introduced wine, challah bread, mixed salad, minestrone soup, turkey pot pie, coleslaw, & a frozen dessert (all homemade by Sallie following Kosher ritual). Boy...did we have a lot to talk about. Larry & I even reminisced a little about our flying experiences. We enjoy Sallie & Larry; they are really good people... & their dogs are so human. Their new dog, Teddy (about 8 mths) gets Larry's attention when he wants to go for a walk by grabbing the leash with his teeth & pulling it toward Larry.
Evening movie: "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm." We watched about (30) min.
Lights out: 12:06am.
Mail call this morning from the campground office; our forwarded mail has arrived from Alaska. That consumed most of our morning.
Larry called from Watertown, WI. He updated their arrival information to San Diego; 1:40pm today.
@ 12:30pm, K & I motored our Suzuki to where Larry & Sallie have their motorhome parked; then we used Larry's Honda & headed for the San Diego Airport cell phone parking lot & waited for his call. We didn't have to wait very long; their flight was right on time. They were delighted to be back to this warm, comfortable climate.
The wedding celebration went very well & they enjoyed the rendezvous with many of their friends & relatives. Before we left, Sallie invited us for dinner @ 5:00pm in their motorhome; the beginning of their Sabbath (Shabat).
Back @ our campground, I visited with Ken, a near neighbor whom we spoke with when we 1st arrived. Turns out, he's an airplane nut himself & I ended up looking @ some of his airplane pictures on his computer.
Dinner with Sallie & Larry: blessings & prayers introduced wine, challah bread, mixed salad, minestrone soup, turkey pot pie, coleslaw, & a frozen dessert (all homemade by Sallie following Kosher ritual). Boy...did we have a lot to talk about. Larry & I even reminisced a little about our flying experiences. We enjoy Sallie & Larry; they are really good people... & their dogs are so human. Their new dog, Teddy (about 8 mths) gets Larry's attention when he wants to go for a walk by grabbing the leash with his teeth & pulling it toward Larry.

Lights out: 12:06am.
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