Wednesday 18 November 2009

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Awake: 6:50am Temp 42 sleep 6+42 mostly sunny overnight @ Tri City, OR.

After breakfast, we walked to the office & paid our camping fee; then we asked the owner what there is to see & do around the Tri City area. He gave us a map but reminded us that it's a great place to live but really, unless you travel many miles into the mountains, locally there is not much to see or do. Here's Kathy, ready to go touring?
After driving into the main town of T.C., & Myrtle Creek, we agreed with the campground owner's opinion.

Back @ our campsite, using wifi & our air card, both computers are usable so we took turns throughout the afternoon getting to know our new Apple & e-mail, etc.

Dinner: oven baked salmon, rice, squash & a mixed salad.

Evening movie: "The Scar" with Paul Henreid, Joan Bennett, Eduard Franz, Leslie Brooks. Tense melodrama of killer assuming identity of lookalike doctor. 1948. Not much description from the movie guide but we were sitting on the edge of our seats most of the time; great climax!

Lights out: 11:33pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 21, 2009 1:02 AM.

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