Tuesday 13 October 2009

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Awake: 6:40am Temp 51 sleep 7+08 overcast overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

My 1st chore this morning: wrap the electrical unit for campsite # 2 for winter. Then I disconnected our landline phone service & wiring on campsite # 1, & wrapped the extra cord, stashed it into the electrical box itself & taped it to the inside. Then wrapped campsite # 1 for winter. Next I brought in the shore cable & switched off all outside circuit breakers.

After a cereal breakfast, I started the M H engine, pulled about (75) ft forward & shut the engine down. Then K & I walked over to Chuck's home & said our goodbyes to both he & Polly, plus we extended our wish for his wife Shirley to enjoy a speedy recovery from her back surgery (she's due to return home from the rehab center tomorrow).

With the Suzuki hitched up in back of the M H, Kathy checked the turn signals, break lights, & tow bar...& we were on the road again @ 10:33am.

(1) stop en route for comfort & to check the equipment... we arrived @ the Baylor Beach Park in Navarre, Ohio @ 2:38pm.

Today's travel: 204 miles 4+01 time 37 gal used 5.7 mpg 45 mph avg speed.

Kathy wasted no time in calling Mickey & Roger letting them know we have landed. So our meeting place for dinner tonight is "Grinders Above & Beyond" in Canton, OH, about (11) miles...one way, across town.

We were a mere (4) min late arriving @ Grinders; Mickey motioned to follow her to our table & there they were: my Aunt Bertha, age 97 & looking very good, Mickey's husband Roger & cousin, Betty Ann. My Aunt B is amazingly young looking; she has silver hair, clear skin, does not look her age & has a fantastic memory.

This restaurant is a favorite of these folks & they frequent it often; so we took our cues from them as to what to order. K & I each had the broiled orange roughy dinner with chopped salad & a starch. Another feast of large proportions that we could have shared, although the fish portions were not that big, the accompanying garlic rice for me & baked sweet potato for Kathy were gargantuan. Now we can look forward to a delicious leftover accompaniment for a future meal.

We were lucky to catch these cousins tonight & spent some good conversation time with them. We wish each other a good winter & perhaps we'll see them again next spring.

@ our M H, Kathy called Joan in Navarre & got the word that they will pick us up @ 8:30 am tomorrow to have breakfast @ the "Amish Door" restaurant nearby in Wilmot. This act of kindness will save us time as we can have our Suzuki hooked up 1st thing in the morning & be ready to roll after breakfast.

Lights out: 11:13pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 17, 2009 10:25 PM.

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