Awake: 7:20am Temp 47 sleep 7+35 overcast & cold wind overnight @ Nicktown.
I finished reading the book: "Twice Surreal" by Stuart Gardner Hunt; then continued reading some of my aviation magazines.
Mid afternoon, K & I motored to Ebensburg, 1st some light grocery shopping @ the West End Market, & then we visited my brother Don & his wife, Josie.
My brother met us outside wearing his dirty work clothes; that was a surprise as I am not accustomed to seeing him doing manual work. He showed me the roof fan we tried in vain to get working August 25th; now that the motor has a new set of bearings installed, we are ready & willing to get this project finished. Just to be on the safe side, as a test, I plugged the fan motor in @ the garage & it purred like a kitten.
Although the wind was cold with mostly dark clouds, my brother & I climbed the ladder & replaced the roof exhaust fan for their sunroom grill. "Turn the roof fan on" my brother hollered to Kathy, who was downstairs in the sun room. Up on the roof, nothing happened. We fiddled with that roof fan for another (20) min to no avail.
Finally, we surmised for now that maybe, the rheostat might be the culprit. That will be on our list for the next visit.
Don & Josie always treat us more lavishly than we deserve. This visit was no exception; wine with snacks & plenty of yakety-yak time. Then a dinner of pizza & a cherry turnover. We had a time commitment & had to leave for Nicktown to attend the Living Rosary & the beginning of 40-hrs.
Evening movie: "One Potato -Two Potato." We watched ½.
Light out: 11:47pm.
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