Sunday 27 September 2009

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Awake: 6:26am Temp 55 sleep 5+50 rain, most of day overnight @ Nicktown.

Today was a good day to stay indoors & focus on things we need to be doing; so after a 1st class breakfast: veggie omelet with bread & fruit, we got the main floor house plans out & concentrated on how we can shrink the hexagon & still have enough room for a comfortable kitchen. Time went quickly without making any bold decisions but we do have ideas for later.

Next we considered the basement hexagon & how that will fit in the plan of shrinkage. It's really difficult to visualize the square footage of a room without seeing it in person. We literally spent some of the morning & most of the afternoon on these house plans.

Dinner: BLT's with potato chips & cantaloupe.

Evening movie: "Blown up" with Vanessa Redgrave, David Hemmings, Sarah Miles, Jill Kennington, etc. Writer-director Antonioni's hypnotic pop-culture parable of photographer caught in passive lifestyle. Arresting, provocative film, rich in color symbolism, many layered meanings. 1966. Different, really different. Perhaps one has to watch this movie a few times to get the full message.

Lights out: 11:54pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 2, 2009 10:46 PM.

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