Wednesday 9 September 2009

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Awake: 6:50am Temp 60 sleep 7+06 mostly sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

After breakfast, K & I motored to Indiana, PA. 1st stop, Tractor Supply Co., trying to find something that will be waterproof, made of steel & lockable for the transformer we are using to light up the Fatima Shrine; nothing came close.

Then we spent about (3) hrs with our grandsons @ the Foote Castle. We had a lot of fun today. As in the past, we blew up small balloons using a 12 volt battery charger & a small powered air pump giving a choice to keep, fly, or whistle the balloons. Next we made (4) paper airplanes & flew them inside, & then a paper parachute that gradually floated down from the ceiling. The boys were certainly interested.

For a break in the air business, we gathered on the 3rd floor & helped Melissa reorganize their playroom...which it needed.

At times, both Andrew & Nathan were doing their own thing...Nathan putting wooden puzzles together & playing with the large magnets while Andrew was building with the small, powerful magnets, constructing an arched tunnel.

We left about 4:00pm & briefly visited the Trader Horne store looking for a metal box; not found. Then grocery shopped @ Wal-Mart & returned to Nicktown.

K & I attended 6:00pm Mass & afterwards, enjoyed some good company & beer with Theresa & John @ the Nicktown Hotel.

Dinner: leftover Italian sausage with peppers, onions & mushrooms.

Mid evening: we watched & listened to Pres Obama's address to Congress on his Nat'l Health Care plans.

Lights out: 12:05am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 12, 2009 8:58 PM.

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