Saturday 19 September 2009

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Awake: 6:05am Temp 47 sleep 5+55 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

After breakfast, I spent over an hr cleaning up my act on the junction box. Using silicone, I water-proofed the conduit section leading into the junction box & where the power cord enters the junction box. Only a few minute details remain & I then will be able to say: "This case is closed." Long live the lights shining on the Fatima Shrine.

About 1:40pm, the Foote family & Katrina arrived in our driveway; this afternoon we are all going to do the Lieb Corn Maze, only ½ mile down the road. This will be our 4th time challenging the maze experts. The Foote kids did quite well for the 1st hr, & then they retreated to the corn box & played with the toy trucks & excavating equipment.
Meanwhile, Kathy, Katrina & I were determined to find all the hidden nursery rhyme characters, which took us another (1.5) hrs & a lot of patience. This time though, yours truly was the winner in our group as Kathy & Katrina were unable to find that last one! These Lieb people do a great job constructing the maze & it is fun, regardless of our age.

The Footes with Katrina returned to Indiana, PA; we will join them in about (3.5) hrs.
In the meantime, I suggested to Kathy that after our vigorous foot workout, we have a White Wheat (new beer) @ the Nicktown Hotel. She was all for it.

After our beer, we attended the 6:00pm Mass @ St. Nicholas Church & then, called in an order of pizza @ the Blue Goose Restaurant & Bar about (3) miles down the road. We took this large pizza to the Foote Castle & all the adults had a late snack. Of course, the children were in bed (save for Gregory) & we still had much to talk about.

Lights out: 12:48am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 24, 2009 2:12 AM.

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