Wednesday 12 August 2009

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Awake: 6:40am Temp 64 sleep 7+00 overcast overnight @ Nicktown.

Our architect visited for nearly an hour this morning; Kathy wanted to be here for the occasion but was needed @ the Foote Castle.

After my breakfast, I motored to the Foote Castle to spend some time with Kathy & the boys while Kevin was @ the hospital with Melissa & Gregory. They were enjoying their special "congratulatory" dinner provided by the hospital.

After playing an exciting bowling game, the boys got the urge to travel. Matthew & Andrew quickly began building a "train" on the couch, bringing all kinds of things they might need while traveling. They had books galore & a bus & airplane for future travel. Matthew was the engineer, Andrew had his own compartment, & Nathan was given a special seat at the end of the train. I have a feeling they have gone on similar adventures in the past.


When Kevin returns, he will get the boys & go back to the hospital, pick up Melissa & Gregory & they will all come home together as a family unit. However, he might have to help the boys disassemble their fancy train first.

When Kevin arrived; Kathy was released from duty & we said our goodbyes for now.

Kathy was pretty tired from her broken sleep period last night, but had enough strength to go to daily Mass @ Nicktown, with an invite for dinner at the school social room sponsored by the Legion of Mary. This was a 1st for both of us; a little spiritual & social experience with some darn good food.

Lights out: 11:14pm.

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