Tuesday 18 August 2009

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Awake: 6:44am Temp 66 sleep 7+00 off & on rain overnight @ Nicktown.

Casual day for us; Kathy read her novel, I read a magazine.

Mid afternoon, I walked over & visited our neighbor Mack; we discussed his garden which is not doing so well. Not that I eased his pain but I reminded him that my cousin Florentz's garden was nothing to brag about; he lost all of his tomatoes due to the blight & his sweet corn is slow growing. Also, our friends in St. Augustine lost all of their tomatoes due to the blight.

As we chatted about the vegetable garden woes, strong winds & low dark clouds moved into the area; now for the 2nd time today, I am chased indoors due to another heavy wave of rain.

Dinner: leftover cranberry turkey stir fry, leftover salmon spaghetti, Bing cherries & cantaloupe.

During Kathy's visit to the library yesterday, she picked up (2) DVDs for us to watch. "I would like to watch a modern movie in color tonight" she told me. So after the dinner dishes are cleaned & our usual news & political programs are covered, I read about the movie we are about to watch & said to Kathy: "this story line is set in the early thirties just like a lot of the movies we have been watching....except in color." Anyway, we started DVD # 1, "The Road to Perdition."

After about (20) min, for no reason @ all, the screen froze. Only one time before when watching: "The Bucket List" the same thing happened & I simply opened & closed the tray once & finished the movie.

This time however, I tried the same modus operandi to no avail. "OK" says Kathy, "let's watch DVD # 2." "Valkyrie." (5) min later, it was worse. We couldn't get past the coming attractions.

Later, I tried one of my own DVDs that I know had worked perfectly before...and it still works perfectly. I suspect the library has loaned those (2) DVD's out too often.

Melissa called from the Foote castle; she gives us a good report of how Gregory is doing, & how she's doing. Kevin has to return to work on Wed & I sensed a little concern from Melissa regarding her readiness to assume full care of house & children minus Kevin's help. He will be home for lunch & if she feels she needs his help, he can take the afternoon off.

Lights out: 11:52pm.

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