Thursday 6 August 2009

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Awake: 6:13am Temp 53 sleep 6+41 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

With Kathy staying @ the Foote Castle in prep for helping Kevin with the young Foote boys, I am my own boss; I can have my computer time anytime I choose. I can leave without saying where I'm going; I don't have to explain where I've been, etc, etc.

But, you know, I do miss Kathy...but not a whole bunch...just yet. Let's face it; going on (5) yrs now, Kathy & I have been living in a fairly close this motorhome of about (500) square ft. & for the most part, we both love it & we each have our own space most of the time. Sitting here in Nicktown for months is not so we enjoy visiting our grandchildren nearby & spending time with people we know. When we are touring, probably the most time spent in one place is (2) weeks; otherwise, we are on the go.....touring.

Mid afternoon, I filled the pure water tank with 163 gallons & @ the same time, empty the waste water.

Next, I participated in saying the Rosary, then Benediction & Mass @ 7:00pm. Afterwards, John, Al, Theresa & I had a cold beer @ the Nicktown Hotel. Very crowded & there were quite a few young ladies in the bar side during our visit.

Dinner: leftover stuffed pepper & a spinach salad.

Lights out: 12:19am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 14, 2009 4:42 AM.

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