Thursday 30 July 2009

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Awake: 6:20am Temp 64 sleep 6+13 afternoon rain overnight @ Nicktown.

I started about 12:30 pm working on the 120 volt electrical wiring coming from the church wall & introduced a Junction box complete with the GFCI unit. Now we can easily plug in our transformer which reduces the 120 volts down to 12 volts & light up the Fatima Shrine figures. It took a little longer than I thought but it tested "A" ok @ 3:30pm. While I was occupied with the electrical circuit, Kathy spent about (4) hrs working on the kitchen house plans.

After storing my tools from that project, I picked some more blueberries on our property.

Dinner: turkey, broccoli, gravy with mushrooms, Bing cherries, grapes & mango slices.

Evening movie: "Tokyo Joe" with Humphrey Bogart, Florence Marly, Sessue Hayakawa, Alexander Knox, etc. Lesser Bogart film about American in postwar Tokyo pulled into smuggling & blackmail for the sake of his ex-wife & child. 1949. We agreed to watch this flick impromptu, but I didn't realize the story incorporated an airplane & background shots of how part of Tokyo, Japan looked a few yrs after the war.

Lights out: 11:58pm.

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