Friday 21 August 2009

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Awake: 7:00am Temp 68 sleep 7+14 early rain overnight @ Nicktown.

Early afternoon, I called Creslie in Oklahoma & talked about how to bring back the info on our glass dash. I explained that we've been in Nicktown since the last week of April & our glass dash has exhibited nothing but colorful straight lines ever since. I thought perhaps it would repair itself but that's not happening.

Creslie told me he has done many jobs of removing the cover on the dash to access the electronic systems underneath; I listened carefully, thanked Creslie & then got started. I was only (5) min into the process when I must have bumped the right connection and all the data in our glass dash re-appeared. I'll be monitoring that system closely in the event there is a loose connection.

I started reading another magazine & then called my buddy Ray in Ocean Park, WA. Ray & I always have a lot to talk about & this time was no exception; we gabbed for over an hr. One thing we discussed was the latest version of Skype; after downloading, my microphone wouldn't work. Ray told me he had the same problem & he fixed it by going into properties & making a change on the audio. Later I tried that &, bingo, it works fine now.

Late afternoon, I picked another small cup of blueberries from our bush.

Dinner: sword fish, wild & brown rice, mixed salad & Bing cherries.

We called Melissa & set up a time for visiting tomorrow.

Evening: we finished watching the documentary on "Marlon Brando." He challenged the directors, chased women & acted as he very well pleased! But all of his colleagues loved him nevertheless.

Lights out: 11:55pm.

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