Wednesday 17 June 2009

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Awake: 8:12am Temp 59 sleep 8+01 drizzle then rain most of day overnight @

We have never set an alarm clock in our motorhome to wake up; today however, I overslept. A few days after weed-whacking the Foote Castle's back, side & front yards on the 8th of June, it appears that I picked up a sinus condition from all that dust & stuff, so we reported late for the koffee klub meeting this morning. Most likely my body needed that extra snooze time.

In lieu of exercising with Gilad on "Fit-TV", Kathy & I exercised @ the gym in the community center for (1.4) hrs.

It's a great day for staying inside; lots of rain. While Kathy pondered over our 1st Schematic Design of our house plans, I continued organizing our on-line photos, making occasional visits to join Kathy in perhaps making changes on that design.


Before dinner, K & I attended the Adult Education class @ 6:45pm with Father Job & (9) others in the social room. There is much to review & learn about the catechism of the Catholic Church.

Late dinner: roasted garlic & tomato ratatouille pasta, multi grain bread & Bing cherries.

Evening movie: "Camille." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:31pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 18, 2009 9:12 PM.

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