Tuesday 23 June 2009

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Awake: 6:02am Temp 57 sleep 6+20 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

Kathy helped to make noodles today from 8:30am until 10:40am. Due to our dental appointment, she had to leave before the work was finished.

@ the dentist's office, our pearly whites got a good cleaning & thoroughly checked; we both have no cavities....hip...hip!

From here, Kathy returned a few library books & we casually visited the local thrift store.

Early afternoon, we retracted all slides & then backed up the coach about (8) feet, shoveled the extra gravel under both front tires & the drivers side rear tires to raise & level the motorhome.

Since parking here on April 26th, we have not been on the level; our leveling system was @ its limits, but now it's much better. During this moving adventure, we kept our shore cable plugged in & Kathy did (3) loads of laundry.

Melissa called & we talked for about (18) min. She brought us up-to-date on their time in Philadelphia.

Dinner: Tuna salad, Italian garlic bread, mixed salad, Bing cherries & fresh peach slices.

No movie tonight.

Lights out: 11:37pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 27, 2009 12:25 PM.

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