Thursday 4 June 2009

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Awake: 6:01am Temp 50 sleep 5+59 cloudy overnight @ Nicktown.

We delayed breakfast & again motored to Ebensburg; this time, to locate the Good Shepard Religious store in Ebensburg. Using our GPS, we felt confident we would find this place in no time @ all. Turns out, our GPS led us directly to the Chrysler Auto Dealership; ok, so Lady Garmin isn't perfect. For the time being, we gave up, found Kostas & had a good breakfast. En route to Nicktown, we stopped @ Hite's for another (400) lbs of gravel.

Back @ our coach, Kathy began preparing dinner for our distinguished guest arriving in a few hrs. Meanwhile, I used my Fluke VTVM & tested a few electronic components that Matthew gave me from his Snap Circuit Electronics Jr. kit last week. Not knowing what parameters the pnp & npn diodes have makes it tough to replicate, but I will try & do my best.

Just before 5:00pm, our illustrious guest, Flossie, better known as Florentz, arrived. Being (8) yrs older than I, he told us tales of yesteryear, of the people I knew but not all that well. He had lots of funny & amusing stories up his sleeve; he entertained us for a good hr or better until Kathy announced: "dinner's ready." We had stuffed peppers, whole grain bread & spinach salad with sliced strawberries.

During dinner, we discussed Florentz's wife Anna & her condition; "she is not doing well" he admits. "She is growing weaker physically & her Alzheimer's is progressing." We will continue to pray for them both.

We called Zack in the late afternoon & again later evening & left messages of: "Happy 27th Birthday wishes."

No movie tonight..... so lights out: 11:00pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 7, 2009 6:14 PM.

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