Thursday 28 May 2009

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Awake: 6:27am Temp 60 sleep 6+43 cloudy overnight @ Nicktown.

Early afternoon, K & I motored to Hite Equipment Rental & Stone Supply; I got (3) bags of gravel totaling (340) lbs. When we returned, I spread the gravel on some areas of our circular drive.

Our long time friend Judy called from Ohio; she invites us to visit them later this summer for a party on their yacht. K & I will highly consider this thoughtful invitation & exciting opportunity. Meanwhile, my sister Corinne is with Judy & brought us up-to-date on her visits with our Ohio family & my Aunt Bertha.

I called Anchorage & requested our mail be forwarded to Nicktown.

Our lucky day: Gary C. called & invites us to his place for dinner tomorrow.

Dinner: cod fish with Balsamic glaze, cheesy spinach rice pilaf with golden raisins + olives.

We called my Aunt Bertha in Ohio & wished her a "Happy 97th Birthday." She told us she is feeling fine & has been enjoying all the attention on this occasion.

Evening movie: "Alfie." We watch ½.

Lights out: 12:06am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 1, 2009 11:59 AM.

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