Saturday 13 June 2009

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Awake: 6:05am Temp 57 sleep 5+9 clouds...then sun overnight @ Nicktown.

John picked me, Al & Don up @ 7:30am. He drove us to the Saint Francis College in Loretta, PA; about a (40) min casual ride. We are here to attend the Catholic Men's Conference with featured speakers, lunch & 4:00pm Mass. This is only my 2nd time attending but I like what I see & they do.

The Diocesan Bishop, Joseph Adamec, visited us in the auditorium & officiated the 4:00pm Mass. I was impressed with his speaking ability & knowledge. A very inspirational (8) hrs for me; then the 4 of us returned to Nicktown by 6:00pm.

(20) min after turning our computer on, Zack Skiped me. (10) min later, Kathy returned from spending the day with the Foote family in Indiana, Pa. We saw & talked with Zack for about (50) min. Then I asked Zack if he could help me with posting a picture on my blog as I was having difficulty. He walked me through it, so now, there might be occasional pictures relating to our daily activities.

Kathy's day went like this: first, she helped the St. Nicholas Hospitality committee in the pre-preparation of the eggs, bacon, & sausage for tomorrow's church sponsored breakfast.

Then she went to Indiana, arriving at the Footes @ 11:00 am. After Kevin made sandwiches for the Foote crew plus Kathy, they walked to downtown Indiana where they listened to a band play, viewed some classic cars, watched a couple of magicians, ate their lunch on the lawn in front of the courthouse & then caught the free trolley to the Jimmy Stewart airport to join in the Festival going on there. They watched the Corsair, Spitfire, & Mustang do some fly-overs; examined a helicopter up close, inside & out; & Matthew & Andrew rode in a tractor pulled airplane. They had to catch the last trolley back to downtown @ 3:00 pm. They all walked back to the Foote castle & then Kathy left to attend the 4:00 Mass @ St. Thomas More church in Indiana, where she really likes the music.

She stopped back at the Footes for a short visit before returning to Nicktown @ 6:45 pm. She was a bit tired, but thoroughly enjoyed her day with the Footes.

Dinner: leftover slice of Pizza, cantaloupe, & Bing cherries.

No movie again tonight.

Lights out: 11:51pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 16, 2009 9:54 PM.

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