Friday 26 June 2009

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Awake: 5:50am Temp 63 sleep 5+56 fog, cloudy, sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

After breakfast, I made a quick trip to Spangler for a Modular outlet for a phone connection; the current module's thin wires are corroded on site # 2; so if Dick wants to use our landline, I can easily replace the faulty one.

Dick C. called & reported that he had entered PA on I-70 from West Virginia & will call again when he is on the Ridge Road. About 12:20 pm I drove our Suzuki south on the Ridge Road & parked in an area where I should be able to see him approaching from the south. Minutes later, Dick reported he was now (4.5) miles from Nicktown. I let him know that I was about (2.5) miles away & would be his: "follow me car."

Dick appeared, blinked his lights & followed me into Nicktown with a tight left turn onto Saint Boniface Street, then another tight right turn onto Saint Joseph Street, and yet another tight left turn onto Saint Paul Street & then onto our circular driveway, where I motioned him to stop.

"Welcome to Nicktown!" I tell him. He apologized that he was (5) min late but is happy to be here. He remarked about how healthy the trees & vegetation are. Kathy joined us & also welcomed Dick. Then I gave Dick the option of either driving directly around the circular driveway & taking our campsite spot or, with our assistance, backing into site #2. He opted to have us watch him as he backed up & took campsite # 2; he did a marvelous job of backing up & parking. K & I worked with him to get the 50-amp shore line plugged in, his septic hose attached & the fresh water hose hooked up.


After that, we invited him to our coach for a wine & cheese session with dinner to follow sometime later. He offered to take us out for dinner but Kathy reminded him that she already had dinner standing by.

During our wine & cheese time, we got caught-up on Dick, his wife, Christine, & their cats, Bernie & De-de, & their travels. When they left Goodyear, AZ, Christine was taking daily doses of a drug to increase bone density; weeks later, according to a doctor in Florida, those daily doses were doing her harm instead of good. It got so bad that she was having difficulty walking & was experiencing motion sickness.

Of course Christine quit taking that medicine & began feeling better, but not good enough. She continued to experience motion sickness as they motored to Washington, D.C.; they agreed that she should fly back to their home in Goodyear where she could rest & Dick would meet her later in Portland, OR with the motorhome. So Dick & the cats will spend (2) days with us & then continue on to the west coast to rendezvous with his wife, Christine.

Dinner: leftover Lasagna, Italian garlic bread, mixed salad & wild strawberry cheesecake for dessert.

Dick was pretty tired after dinner & opted to go back to his coach around 9:30pm for a good night's sleep. We made some tentative plans for tomorrow & will see him in the morning.

Evening movie: "The Fallen Idol." K & I watch ½.

Lights out: 11:19pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 29, 2009 8:29 PM.

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