Friday 22 May 2009

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Awake: 6:26am Temp 53 sleep 6+24 mostly sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

After brunch, we started mowing our grass; Kathy walked behind the Snapper mower, & I emptied the grass catcher about every 5-6 loops that Kathy made inside the circular drive. In between time, I dug up weeds growing through our gravel road & disposed of them along with the grass catcher loads.

My sister Corinne called from Lilly during one of my grass emptying treks. Kathy took the call & they talked about (40) min. Corinne is off the Coumadin & feeling pretty good. She's planning on going to Ohio next week to help our Aunt Bertha celebrate her 95th birthday. But first, she will try to come to the Nicktown Memorial parade on Monday.

While Kathy was on the phone, I continued her method of going around in circles while mowing; after (2) grass catcher trips, she surprised me with a banana, strawberry, peach smoothie treat. It was good & cold & really hit the spot. All together today, Kathy mowed about 65% to my 35% taking close to (3) hrs total time, not counting the smoothie break.

Dinner: tuna noodle casserole with asparagus.

@ 9:00 pm, I left Kathy & walked over to the St. Nicholas Hotel to meet a few famous & well known visitors from other towns. Of the expectant (6), only I & (1) other distinguished individual showed up for our gathering; did I bungle this plan by being a day early? Hummm! When my brother set this meeting up, there was a lot of background noise & maybe, just maybe...I had the wrong day.

Meanwhile, the distinguished guest who did show up & I had a lot to catch-up on in ( 2) hrs.

No movie tonight.

Lights out: 11:52pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 26, 2009 11:11 PM.

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