Wednesday 8 April 2009

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Awake: 6:40am Temp 41 sleep 7+06 sunny overnight @ East Memphis, TN.

Early morning, Kathy perused our (3) memory sticks for special pictures she would like to make prints of.

I forgot to mention: yesterday Kathy's good friend Jodi called to tell her that her husband, P.D., will be going to the Baptist Memphis Hospital this afternoon; he's in pain & they are not sure what's wrong. She will call later this evening & give a report.

@ 4:15pm we drove over to Bob & Mary Ann's place; then we rode with them to the Holy Spirit Church for a Passover Prayer Service & Seder Supper. The Seder meal included wine, matzo, bitter herbs, a roasted egg and greens dipped in salt water with accompanying prayers & singing and the reading of Exodus 12:1-14.

Then a full meal of pork with garlic spinach, roll, salad, scalloped potatoes & a dessert of cherries with oat meal streusel topping, was served. After the meal we invited Mary Ann & Bob to see our home-on-wheels only a few miles from where we were.

Kathy gave them a good tour; then I Skyped my brother Don in PA to give Bob a demonstration of how Skype works. My bro's camera didn't come on line which means no video of him & he strongly hinted that the glitch was on my end. So I told Don to check out his camera while I call my buddy Ray in WA; Ray came on line with audio & video which proved my innocence. Later I talk with bro again & he knew he was the guilty one.

Bob was glad to see the sequence of operating Skype & Mary Ann was happy to see our motorhome. We rode back to their place with them, got our Suzuki & returned to the coach.

No call from Jodi tonight.

Evening movie: "Sahara." We watch 1/2.

Lights out: 12:02am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 10, 2009 10:29 PM.

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