Wednesday 22 April 2009

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Awake: 4:22am Temp 69 inside building sleep 5+16 overnight @ Miami, OK.

Bubbles got right with the program this morning; (1) of (2) silver vases on our Murphy bed's ledge had fallen off months ago. Kathy tried several different methods to re-adhere it, to no avail; now it is siliconed in place & needs @ least (8) hours to adhere properly.

Meanwhile, tech Dee asked me: "what's wrong with your waste water hose?" "It works great but has a pinhole leak," I tell him. "How do you fix that?" I asked. "I'll show you," Dee responded.

Meanwhile, Technician Tracy was removing both of my European mirrors; (1) yr ago, they were replaced due to pitting of the chrome &, now, this pair is also badly pitted. They tell me that they have gotten a batch of mirrors that simply were not chromed properly.

When I walked around our bus to see how Dee was fixing the waste water hose, he told me it was fixed & tested already; the fix was a new hose & easily installed.

The magical digital Silver Leaf Electronics had given a fault on our Glass Dash when we were parking @ the Macon, Georgia Shriner campground March 20th: "rear air zero"it read.Of our (2) main air supplies, (1) failed? At that time, I Immediately called Mike @ Newell. He asked several questions & deducted that all was OK; it has to be an anomaly he told me.

Yesterday, techs Mark, Ron, Tracy, & Jimmy were taking turns troubleshooting this zero fault with computers hooked up & other sources of readout devices. Well finally, Tracy's the man who tracked it down & fixed it up; he explained his troubleshooting procedure & how he arrived @ the fix, but it was an over my head explanation; basically, a bad sensor device.

During a lunch break for the work crew, I noticed a guy walking by eating an Ice Cream Bar; "where did you get that?" I asked him. "Oh, from the ice cream man outside" he says. We couldn't resist; K & I each had a chocolate fudgesicle for lunch today.

Dinner: Pork chops, fried noodles & a mixed salad.

We watch a movie on Cable: Life channel; we missed the start & don't know the title, but it was a good story.

Tomorrow we think we'll be all finished & outside.

Lights out: 11:09pm

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