Tuesday 10 March 2009

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Awake: 7:14am Temp 60 sleep 7+17 mostly sunny overnight @ Savannah, GA.

After breakfast, I visit the campground office for more info on a trolley tour of downtown Savannah; then we motor east (15) miles, find the Oglethorpe Trolley Tours building & sigh up for a (1.5) hr non-stop tour of downtown Savannah. This tour includes unlimited on/off until 5:30pm; one must take the (1.5) hr non-stop tour 1st however.

This non-stop tour was great; our driver had some (13) yrs experience & knew her history of this historic town plus several interesting stories whose authenticity might be questioned.

The city is organized into some (21) squares & our driver covered them all, many times circling a square to point out different buildings & landmarks or to obey the one way streets. We thought it would take us (3) days to redo this tour on our own, as the city seemed so big & we had much difficulty keeping track of where we were on the map.

Afterward, I suggested to Kathy that we should do a walking tour in lieu of the on/off bus program that I felt might be too time consuming & she agreed; but 1st, we visited the visitor's
center & picked up a more detailed map.

Turns out, the city wasn't as huge as we expected; after 3.5 hrs of walking, taking pictures, reading significant plaques, etc, I am guessing that we covered a good 90% of the same area the bus tour gave us. For picture taking & reading the plaques, walking was the best.

En route to the campground, we made a grocery stop @ a Super Wal-Mart & load up our refrigerator once again.

Dinner: leftover chili & corn chips.

Nick calls while walking home from work; he tells me that Jerry's cough is subsiding a little. The doctor did give them an antibiotic but to use it for Jerry only if he continues to get worse. So far, he appears to be making some healthy progress.

We watch ½ of the movie: "Picnic."

Lights out: 12:33am

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