Thursday 26 March 2009

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Awake: 6:19am Temp 62 sleep 6+39 heavy rain & TRWs (thunderstorms) most of the night overnight @ Montgomery, AL.

Neither of us slept very well during the night; the loud pounding on our metal roof from heavy rain & TRWs had us up & awake several times.

As daylight came to pass, this campground resembled a small lake save for a few patches of grass & gravel; & so, we both agreed to stay indoors this day.

Perusing books, magazines, & information from the Montgomery visitors' center & researching our next touring city further north along with computer use & other reading material, made the day slide by quickly.

Mid afternoon, daughter Melissa called: we haven't talked for awhile so it was very nice hearing from her. The Footes are doing fine.

Dinner: Italian style hamburger with penne pasta & salad.

Evening movie: "The Hoodlum Priest" with Don Murray, Larry Gates, Keir Dullea, Logan Ramsey, Cindi Wood. Based on real-life clergyman who devoted himself to trying to help would-be criminals, focusing on Murray's efforts to rehabilitate delinquent Dullea (in film debut). 1961. Good story & true; backed up by Google.

Lights out: 12:12am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 29, 2009 3:39 PM.

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